Feeling lost while looking at crochet charts?
Join us for a session to learn about crochet charts. We will go over what the symbols mean and how to interpret the diagrams that are commonly found in crochet pattern books.
Crochet symbol charts allow you to follow the patterns even when the patterns may be written in a foreign language. Learn a new skill with us and expand your patterns sources! You will be able to access patterns from Japanese, Russian and Korean sources just from interpreting the pattern diagrams.
For this workshop, you will be provided with a simple kit consisting of a crochet needle, yarn and crochet chart patterns. This workshop is suitable for those who have mastered the basic stitches - single crochet, half-double crochet, double crochet etc. This workshop includes a crochet hook, yarn and handout that you can bring home with you.
Please get in touch with us using the link below to see about scheduling a private class if you are keen to schedule a session not listed in the calendar.